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casas Évora
casas para alugar Évora
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t1 arrendar Évora
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casas para alugar Évora
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alugar apartamento Évora
casas para arrendar Évora
arrendamento Évora
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arrendar apartamento Évora
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alugar t0 Évora
alugar t1 Évora
alugar t2 Évora
t2 arrendar Évora
t1 arrendar Évora
t0 arrendar Évora
Prédio no centro Évora - varanda |
- REFPT-120611454-56
- Local-
- Área706 m² | 1363 m²
- Estado-
- Construção1994
- Vista-
- Dist.Centro-
- Dist.Praia-
- Eficiência Energética
Sob Consulta
- Distrito: Évora
- Concelho: Évora
- Freguesia: União das Freguesias de Évora (São Mamede, Sé, São Pedro e Santo Antão)
Prédio para venda por 2.950.000 €.
Palacete no centro de Évora com 3 pisos.
Mantem a arquitetura original, com frescos, pé direito alto e varanda no ultimo piso, com vista total do centro histórico.
Varanda grande no seu interior.
Casa esta renovada com cozinha e casas de banho recentes, mantendo a traca antiga com bonita escadaria interior em marmore e seis salas amplas com antigas cavalaricas no piso terreo
Spacious Noble Manor in the heart of historic center of Évora, Unesco Town in Alentejo, Portugal, 45 minutes from Lisbon
This estate maintains its originla exterior and interior arquitecture, as from the facades and XIX century arquitecture. Has had rehabilitaion on new elecrticity and water system and overall in good condition. Maintains original frescos, and high ceilings.
Has a beutiful view from the terraces and the last floor of the property of Historic Évora, Sé Cathedral and Igreja dos Ossos, and surrounded by the Alentejo coutryside on the horizon.
Can be turned into a Hotel
Building next door could also be considered for sale
Worth a visit! Call today:)
Palacete no centro de Évora com 3 pisos.
Mantem a arquitetura original, com frescos, pé direito alto e varanda no ultimo piso, com vista total do centro histórico.
Varanda grande no seu interior.
Casa esta renovada com cozinha e casas de banho recentes, mantendo a traca antiga com bonita escadaria interior em marmore e seis salas amplas com antigas cavalaricas no piso terreo
Spacious Noble Manor in the heart of historic center of Évora, Unesco Town in Alentejo, Portugal, 45 minutes from Lisbon
This estate maintains its originla exterior and interior arquitecture, as from the facades and XIX century arquitecture. Has had rehabilitaion on new elecrticity and water system and overall in good condition. Maintains original frescos, and high ceilings.
Has a beutiful view from the terraces and the last floor of the property of Historic Évora, Sé Cathedral and Igreja dos Ossos, and surrounded by the Alentejo coutryside on the horizon.
Can be turned into a Hotel
Building next door could also be considered for sale
Worth a visit! Call today:)
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